Amaris Hotel which is located on Jl. Siliwangi No. 70, Kebonbaru, Kec. Kejaksan, Cirebon City, is one of the hotel accommodations that has a strategic location, is comfortable and suitable for staying with family. This hotel has several quite complete facilities, including restaurants, ballrooms, meeting rooms, 24-hour reception, and many more, and has several types of rooms equipped with guest supplies, guest amenities and other comfortable room amenities.
Lowongan kerja Amaris Hotel
Currently Amaris Hotel is hiring for positions as:
- Front Desk Agent
- Male/Female
- Max 28 years old
- Excellent communication skill & pleasant personality
- Able to work under pressure
- Honest
- Multitasking
- Human Resources
- Relevant education with position applied
- Hotel background (HR Generalist)
- Good communication & Having Positive Attitude
- Target oriented & leadership
- Available to join immediately

Kindly send your Application letter and CV to:
[email protected]
Subject : Position – Web Lokercirebon.com
Ditutup Tgl: 22 August 2023