LOKERCIREBON.COM – EF is the world leader in international education. Join our global community of educatos, innovator, and doers.
We are looking for a great candidate to join us:
? Must be able to teach kids, teens, and adults;
? Must prepare lesson plans before teaching and syllabus (if necessary);
? Must be able to learn and follow EF Systems;
? Has to be able to participate in Marketing events that are conducted by EF
? Male/Female; has to be able to communicate in English well
? Bachelor/Master Degree (from Education/English literature is preferred) and or having TOEFL ITP or IELTS Certificate is preferred
? 2 years? experience is preferred (fresh graduates are welcome)
? Has ability to work in a team
Please send your CV and Cover letter, supporting documents and a recent photograph to:
HRD EF English First Cirebon
Ruko Prima Blok B1
Jl. Sisingamangaraja No. 58 Cirebon
Lowongan kerja ditutup tgl 09 Februari 2018
Perhatian ! Sebelum melamar harap perhatikan tanggal penutupan lowongan kerja, karena apabila lamaran melebihan tanggal tersebut otomatis lamaran tidak akan diproses oleh pihak HRD.
Himbauan ! Bagi yang ingin Copas artikel Loker Cirebon harap cantumkan link sumber dari Loker Cirebon, karena kami sudah berbentuk perusahaan (CV. LC Media) kami tidak akan segan-segan untuk membawa kejalur hukum bagi para tukang copas yang sudah banyak merugikan kami.